Managing Threats
To plan and apply the most effective protective measures that ensure the security of protected persons and facilities, the analysts of the Service continuously monitor and analyse terrorist acts, acts of violence, and other destructive behaviour targeting protected persons or facilities, which helps to better understand the causes, trends, patterns, and probability of occurrence of such phenomena. Strategic analysis provides the necessary information resource for a comprehensive threat assessment.
Criminal Intelligence
Prevention of planned or imminent terrorist acts, acts of violence or other criminal acts against protected persons and facilities is an invisible but very important part of the Service's activities. Criminal intelligence officers are constantly collecting and scrutinising information on persons who are prone to radicalisation, profess extremist or terrorist ideas, or have other criminal designs or intentions towards protected persons and facilities.
Managing the Risk of Destructive Behaviour
In order to protect public persons and facilities, it is important to understand how to identify the behaviour of those who intend to launch an attack. A joint team of officers and psychologists carries out retrospective scientific research which is then put into practice. The data generated by the research helps to identify indicators of warning behaviour and to detect in time individuals who are susceptible to destructive behaviour at public events or who communicate in a concerning manner.
Search for Explosive and Hazardous Substances
The use or dispersal of explosive and other hazardous substances in preparation for an attack may have devastating consequences, not only for the lives of heads of state but also for public security in general. The detonation of important state facilities could cause chaos and panic, as well as human casualties. Therefore, the Service’s chemists, biologists, engineers, radiologists, and cynologists are constantly searching for and identifying hazardous substances and, when necessary, carry out disinfection tasks.
Control of Access to the Facilities Protected by the Service
The badging system is an integral part of the special regime in the protected facilities that allows not only for the control of persons seeking access to the protected facilities or of the entry of items restricted or prohibited for civilian use but also for the physical protection of classified information. The screening of every person entering a protected facility results in a safe and tolerant environment for all persons within the protected facility.